VTM, a Nashville-based company, hired Hispanic Marketing Group to help it develop and take to market a videoconference solution for the health care industry. The medical community faces the challenge of presenting medical informed consent, the rights and responsibilities of a patient, instructions … [Read more...]
Juan Pablo Montoya
World-renowned racecar driver Juan Pablo Montoya hired Hispanic Marketing Group in October of 2012 to expand his brand awareness in the U.S. Hispanic market through social media and traditional media opportunities. The task began by creating a friendlier and more family-oriented Facebook page by … [Read more...]
Safety Car Seat Education Program for Latino Families in Middle Tennessee
Given the fast growth of the number of Latino families in Middle Tennessee, Tennessee State University hired Hispanic Marketing Group to develop and implement an education campaign in Spanish to inform Spanish-speaking parents of the importance of using a car seat for each one of their children. … [Read more...]
Nashville Electric Service
Nashville Electric Service recognized the growing diversity in its customer base and sought to proactively educate its Hispanic customers on NES’ products and services. In partnership with McNeely Pigott & Fox Public Relations, Hispanic Marketing Group currently handles the Hispanic advertising … [Read more...]